Wood County, Wisconsin

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Election Results

Total Ballots Cast

Total Ballots Cast: 0

Outstanding Ballots

The following ballot counts are outstanding in Wood County for this election.

Provisional Ballots Outstanding: 2

Results for Partisan Primary, Tuesday, August 9, 2016.

Results are unofficial until the canvass is complete by the respective districts and municipalities.

To get results for write-in candidates, contact your local municipal clerk.

For precinct-specific results, visit the Precinct Page.

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Party Preference (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Republican 3165
Democratic 3724
Constitution 5
Libertarian 28
Wisconsin Green 13
United States Senator (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Ron Johnson (Republican) 2949
Representative in Congress Dist 7 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 27/27 Details
Sean Duffy (Republican) 1554
Donald Raihala (Republican) 170
State Senator Dist 24 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 27/27 Details
Patrick Testin (Republican) 1334
Rep to the Assembly Dist 69 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 12/12 Details
Bob Kulp (Republican) 1004
Rep to the Assembly Dist 70 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 20/20 Details
Nancy Lynn VanderMeer (Republican) 493
Rep to the Assembly Dist 72 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 7/7 Details
Scott S. Krug (Republican) 1019
Rep to the Assembly Dist 86 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 6/6 Details
John Spiros (Republican) 329
District Attorney (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Craig Lambert (Republican) 2546
Register of Deeds (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Susan E. Ginter (Republican) 2512
United States Senator (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Russ Feingold (Democrat) 3531
Scott Harbach (Democrat) 516
Representative in Congress Dist 3 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 18/18 Details
Ron Kind (Democrat) 2011
Myron Buchholz (Democrat) 466
Representative in Congress Dist 7 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 27/27 Details
Mary Hoeft (Democrat) 963
Joel Lewis (Democrat) 259
State Senator Dist 24 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 27/27 Details
Julie M. Lassa (Democrat) 2574
Rep to the Assembly Dist 70 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 20/20 Details
Mark Holbrook (Democrat) 626
Rep to the Assembly Dist 72 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 7/7 Details
David Gorski (Democrat) 1229
Russ Brown (Democrat) 778
Rep to the Assembly Dist 86 (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 6/6 Details
John H. Small (Democrat) 78
Nancy Stencil (Democrat) 233
County Clerk (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Cynthia Cepress (Democrat) 3102
County Treasurer (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Heather L. Gehrt (Democrat) 1856
Dawn Larson (Democrat) 1815
United States Senator (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 45/45 Details
Phillip N. Anderson (Libertarian Party) 20
City of Marshfield Municipal Tax Rate (Vote for ONE)
Precincts Reporting: 10/10 Details
Yes 821
No 1485